Monday, February 2, 2009

MenSetup Old Outlook Contact and Message Rules/Filter

Ini nih caranya tuk Mengupdate Contact dan mail Rules/Filter pabila tiba2 kita kena masalh dengan system windows kita baik krn harus di reinstall, ato windowsnya need to be repaired .. hehehe just for my humble journal.. kikiki..
  1. Go to Outlook Contact Panel on the Right Side, continue with select the Contact Folder, right click on the Contact Folder and select Properties.
  2. On the Properties window of you Contact, go to Outlook Address Book Tab, and make sure Mark The Option for "Show This Folders as an e-mail address", And Change the CONTACTS name becomes CONTACTOLD(or anything name that u prefer) and then Click OK / Apply
  3. Go to Tools menu in your Microsoft Outlook, Select Address Book
  4. On Address Book Windows, Go to Tools Menu Tab And Select/Click Option
  5. Select the CONTACTOLD , in the options of "Show this Address list first" and "Keep Personal Addresses in"
  6. make sure in the options of "When Sending Mail.....", the CONTACTOLD was in the first row/on the top
  7. That's it

Kalo yang rules.., hanya minta di activate kembali, caranya, the howto is..

  1. Go To menu Tools, select Rules and Alert..
  2. go to Options Button on the Right Side,
  3. click on Export Rules, Gave the Name (ex. MyRulez ) , press OK
  4. Again Click on Import Rules and select your Rules name (ex. MyRulez) and continue with Press OK
  5. In Rules Windows.. select the rules that you want to apply
  6. Segitu aja ne.. :)

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